Update! I have added a function to allow notifying the Android os that there is a new media file available for other apps to use (such as images) , so if you make a folder using get_dire1("Myfolder"); and later on (or immediatly) save a picture in it you woud then call osNotice("Myfolder/Mypicture.png"); and now the user can find the new image.
Also I have updated the permissions handling for os 6.0 and up to comply with the new request permissions at runtime rules.
Folder Pick, an Extension for Android via GameMaker: Studio. for only 99 cents!!
Brought to you by Roadhammer Gaming!
This extension is designed for your Android game and app releases made with GameMaker Studio and will allow you to make up to 4 folders that you can name in the main storage
area of the users Android device and return the address of the folders to your game. You can then use this address to save pictures or text created either by you or the user through your code.
Easy to use, check out the video!
How to use:
You must use GameMaker: Studio and have the Android export module to use this extension.
There is no need to use an async event in your project! Just use a script, or a code in an alarm/
mouse pressed/ key pressed event etc, and simply call getDire1("Your_main_folder"); to make
1 folder, getDire2("Your_main_folder", "Your sub folder"); to make 2 folders,
getDire3("Your_main_folder", "Your sub folder 1", "Your sub folder2"); to make 3 folders, and
if you need 4 folders getDire4("Your_main_folder", "Your sub folder 1", "Your sub folder2", "Your sub folder3");
from GameMaker: Studio Then you can use the result variable(s) in any operations you wish.
//step event example
global.files = getDire2("Company name", "Game name");// Name your folders here
screen_save(global.files+"/Screenshot.png");// Put a FORWARD slash before your save name,
//and the filetype after (.png, .txt). Also you don't need to use working_directory+
You actually can create as many folders as you wish, say you have an online game that has a thousand players, or more!, just use the repeat statement with a number incrementing variable like so:
var players = 1000; var numbers = 0;
var folders="";
for( var i = 0 ; i < players ; i + = 1 ; ) {folders[ i ] = "" ; }
Repeat(players) { Folders[players]=getDire3("My company", "My game", "Player"+string(numbers)) ; numbers +=1; }
Now you will have 1000 player folders in the folder My game.
Download the Folder Pick extension Here on the Marketplace
There is an example game .gmz included in the included files to show how you could use each function.
i cant buy this complement from Marketplace, what can i do?