The Lightbulb Caper


                          The Lightbulb Caper

4 super heros embark on  a crazy quest to change a lightbulb!
Rezza turns on the switch and one of the lightbulbs burns out,
no big deal just replace it right?
Wrong! this seemingly mudane event turns into a quest of epic
proportions to get the job done! good luck winning this game!!

Press enter or B to exit the main menu. Press up or down to scroll
the menu, Press left in the main menu to go to the sound menu.
Use arrow keys to navigate, press enter or B to change the settings.
the Menu icon takes you back to the main menu.
Game controls:
On virtual keyboard, arrows move player & menu.
A button = Shoot.
B button = Enter.
On a  game controller, the D-pad moves characters and menu.
B button = enter,
A button = power up and shoot
Pressing enter does several things, here's the list:
Change characters, all can use the light switch in the penthouse
Nash can move/throw chair, & pick up the good bulb in the cavern
Xzarr can open the bush in forest, and pick up the good bulb in the
Press x or A button on controller / virtual pad to power up and fight.
Use arrow keys to move around
Press ESC, back, or select to end the game.
Press F4: Switches between full screen and window mode on PC.
(Window mode has minimize/maximize/quit buttons at upper right)
Walk into unlocked doors or secret caves to use them
Rezza - starting character in penthouse.
Xzarr - big green character.
Voss - little blue character.
Nash - the short orange character.

              ----------Spoiler alert! Game Walkthrough ----------

After the start screen you (Rezza) are in a room w 2 chairs and
a light switch, walk into the switch on the left and press enter,
the lights come on but the left one burns out!!! click it off and
go out the door to the bottom In the forest, switch players to
Xzarr and walk into the bush and press enter. The bush moves to
reveal a hidden nich, walk into the lightbulb and press enter.
Suprise! A monster, press x and you will power up and after You're
powered up your character will finally release the lightning! Watch
the scene and then follow the new Monster to the swamp, defeat it
 and yep, the bulb was stolen again, head south into the mossy
forest and defeat it, Bulb is stolen by a zombie ant, take the cave
on the bottom right into the cavern. Switch to Nash and defeat it,
walk into the bulb and press enter, You finally have the bulb! Go all
 the way back to the penthouse and walk into the right chair and
press enter, turn around and press enter again. Climb the chairs
and Bam! Nash dies! The other 3 come in to a monster light bulb!
fight the bad lightbulb, after defeating it walk into the lightswitch
and press enter. They both work! But then the bulb on the right
burns out!
THE QUEST GOES ON, same deal different monsters, after defeating
round 2 a new area opens up if you open and walk through the bush,
explore the area and you will get the bulb after defeating the Blob
Beast, have Nash go back into the penthouse again and the senerio
repeats, then after defeating the bad bulb a third time open and go
through the bush for the final area! defeat the Stump Beast,
go back to the penthouse and defeat the monster bulb to win the game!

Credits: Music by Eric Matyas @ Thanks go
to Mark Overmars, the originator of Game maker software,
YoYo Games for the android porting software, and the
great comunity at the GMC forums!
This game was created by me and is notto be sold or transferred
for any type of profit whatsoever. You may not obtain
this game from anywhere except my website and Google play.

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